
Sequence Diagrams Using Markdown

Replace Microsoft Identity with custom code in Blazor Server

How to create a modal dialog

ConfigurePizzaDialog @inject HttpClient HttpClient <div class="dialog-container"> <div class="dialog"> <div class="dialog-title"> <h2>@Pizza.Speci...

Lessons learned from porting Angular app to Blazor

See the [interesting article] (

Blazor form and validation

Checkout.razor: @page "/checkout" @inject OrderState OrderState @inject HttpClient HttpClient @inject NavigationManager NavigationManager <div class="main"> <EditForm Model="@OrderSta...

Another jdl example

entity Region { regionName String } entity Country { countryName String } // an ignored comment /** not an ignored comment */ entity Location { streetAddress String, postalCode String, city ...

Blazor app generation with JHipster

Getting Started with JHipster Prerequisites The first step is to have JHipster and its related tools installed. Next step is to install the blueprint npm install -g generator-jhipster-do...

.NET Core Performance Best practices

Recommendations Do call all data access APIs asynchronously. Do not retrieve more data than is necessary. Write queries to return just the data that’s necessary for the current HTTP request. ...

How to create a Web API with .NET5 and how to refactor the code to use the Repository Pattern to make it more scalable and testable.

I have been searching for an article on how to create a Web API in .NET5 using the industry standards and the Web API design best practices. I have read about Clean Architecure recently and in this...

Tools used by Jacob Jedryszek, former Microsoft employee

Tools This is a list of tools I use everyday. Total Commander – it is much easier to manage your files with TC than with standard Windows Explorer. OneNote – I am using it for my todo list, ...